Looking Good!

HML’s Event Managers now have a second stylish outfit to wear when carrying out official duties at events held at the HKCEC. The new look – introduced this March – comprises a pale grey jacket and trousers matched with white sports shoes, and presents a comfortable, smart, young and energetic style.

The traditional and very professional black suit uniform is also still available; the choice of outfit will depend on the type of event. Event Managers wore the new uniform for the first time at Art Basel Hong Kong in March. The new uniform was a wonderful match with the artistic theme of the show, and was well received by staff.

HML expects the new uniform design will make it easier for staff members to work and will enhance their working experience and project a fresh image. Event Managers are responsible for liaising closely with event organisers in planning, coordinating and advising on event logistics, ensuring that events are successful and run smoothly.