Sustainability Updates

HML Supports Food Angel World Food Rescue Week

HML leverages influence to boost awareness of food rescue campaign that reduces waste and helps the needy. World Food Rescue Week 2024 took place from 30 May to 5 June 2024, with staunch support from HML, which promoted the campaign through various online and offline channels.

Launched by Food Angel, the objectives of World Food Rescue Week are to raise awareness and promote the virtue of cherishing food, encourage food donation and reduce waste at source, as well as promote Food Angel's food rescue work.

For HML the campaign is an important step in encouraging partners to develop the habit of donating food. As a major and influential player in the exhibitions industry, HML has the ability and weight to spread the message of reducing waste and helping the needy at the same time. 
It was not just business partners that HML reached out during the week-long campaign: everybody who visits HKCEC was encouraged to learn about the programme and to share the meaningful initiative with their friends and family. 

For further details about World Food Rescue Week 2024, visit

HML has been supporting Food Angel's Food Rescue Programme since 2011 through the buffet restaurant Congress Plus.  We also proactively invite event organisers to donate unconsumed food from their events to Food Angel. The food donated is carefully handled by HML chefs and prepared as nutritious hot meals and redistributed to the underprivileged community in Hong Kong by Food Angel.